Monday, June 12, 2017

Moving on up!

Signs of our move to our beautiful new space are everywhere! Crates, crates, everywhere crates!  I've started to pack up the library space on this 90 plus degree day.  The number one question I am asked is, "Do you have to pack up all the books?"  And my answer is yes, and no.

We will use a moving company to do what is called "Shelf-to-shelf" moving.  This means that we will be putting our library books in order on large wheeled book trucks, wrap them up and transport them to new Zervas.  Then once the shelving is installed, we will unload the book trucks on the shelves, still in order.  So yes, I have to make sure each book is in order on the shelves, but I don't have to put them all in boxes and move them that way.  Thank goodness!  We have over 8,500 books in our library, that would be a LOT of boxes!

And while we are moving out of the Zervas library, the Cabot School Library is moving in!  It's really exciting!

Its been an adventure, lots of moving, lots of sorting, but in the end, the real end, we know it is well worth the effort.  I can't wait to see our children's faces when they walk into their brand new beautiful school in September.
Time to start packing!

You know it's time to move when your books no longer fit on the shelves!
Moving our books to the book trucks at old Zervas
We used a lot of trucks and wrapped them up for transport

This is a fraction of what our classroom teachers have to pack
New Zervas Library.  Media room in back, seating steps in back.

Along this wall will be the non-fiction
The circulation desk will be here

Once the shelves are in, it will be AMAZING!

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